Fire & Thunder Sample
Below you will find the full year curriculum for our Fire & Thunder U.S. History course, as well as all the lessons in the first 3 modules of Unit 1. This course is designed for students in grades 10-12, to be taught by parents at home. Like all Fire & Thunder courses, it is heavy on primary source readings and analyzation.
You will notice immediately that our lessons are written in plain everyday language, often speaking directly to the student. A top priority of the True Corrective is to put the power of teaching their children squarely in the hands of parents. Parents must play the largest role in instilling our national values in their children, and to do that parents need to have access to Social Studies curricula that doesn't require a degree in history to teach to their older children. Therefore, we do not use a lot of academic gobbledygook and jargon. Our lessons are made for parents, not for academic elites. This doesn't mean our courses are easy. They are just easy to teach.
Try it yourself. Pick any lesson. Read it over once. Could you teach it to your child? We are confident you could.